The creation of a safe playground

There are many things to consider when designing a 안전놀이터. It is crucial to keep kids safe. While following ASTM and CPSC guidelines are not legal requirements, ensuring a safe environment helps minimize liability. It is important to supervise all children, especially those under age 6.

Protective surfacing

If you’re building a playground, you need to install protective surfacing for children to play on. While grass and dirt are perfectly acceptable options, they don’t provide the same level of safety as concrete, asphalt, or carpet. The main purpose of playground surfacing is to absorb shock and keep children safe from injuries. There are two types of the surfacing available for playgrounds: rubber and plastic. The rubber surfacing is the most common type used in playgrounds.

While protective surfacing for playgrounds isn’t legally required, safety organizations highly recommend it. The Department of Environment strongly recommended it in 1978, while the Department of Culture, Media, and Sport recommended it in 1993. The Health and Safety Executive has also recommended that playground surfaces are safe for children. Moreover, recent out-of-court settlements related to playground accidents suggest that courts are now accepting the good practice of providing safe surfaces for children.


Installing guardrails on playground equipment is a crucial step toward creating a safe environment. These railings can prevent injuries and falls, especially when children fall through openings. The height of the railings should be determined by the age of the children using the playground. For example, preschoolers should have a guardrail installed on platforms that are twenty inches or higher, while school-aged children should have a guardrail installed on platforms up to forty-eight inches. Children under two are at the greatest risk for falls, so a guardrail is a must.

When installing guardrails on a playground, check for sharp points or other tripping hazards. Check for adequate spacing between play areas and ensure that the surfacing is sturdy and free of cracks. Also, supervise your children while they are using the equipment. Ensure that the playground has a supervisor to supervise the children. Also, inspect and maintain equipment regularly to ensure it is in good working order. This will ensure that the playground is 안전놀이터 for all ages and provides hours of fun.


A playground can be a great place for the whole family to enjoy, but some important safety measures should be followed to ensure the cleanliness of the area. Injuries and accidents can occur on the playground, and it is important to ensure that the area is trash-free. Kids love to play on playgrounds, and they can run around for hours and collect tons of trash. There’s a lot of trash at playgrounds, and if the area isn’t clean, it can cause major issues.

Keeping trash out of a playground is essential for safety. The trash from playgrounds can attract bacteria and other harmful organisms. It can also cause allergic reactions, which are not good for kids. To protect your children from these hazards, make sure the playground is well-maintained. A clean, safe playground should be free of trash, broken equipment, and other hazardous materials. It should also have a designated area for cleaning up after playtime.


The objective of a playground safety surfacing test is to determine the performance of a playground surface against certain criteria. Specifically, this test is used to determine the critical fall height and the maximum theoretical drop height. The results of the tests are important for ensuring that playground surfaces meet Standards and contract requirements. However, if a safety test does not determine a material’s compliance, it is not helpful for playground managers. In these cases, it is necessary to perform a specialized analysis to ensure that the playground surface meets safety standards.

The Department of Parks and Recreation in Prince George’s County, Maryland, conducted specialized tests to determine the amount of lead contained in rubberized play surfaces. The play surfaces in 54 playgrounds were tested to ensure that they were free from lead. Although all playgrounds had EPA standards for lead content, one playground located at the Riverdale Park School exceeded these guidelines. In this case, it was necessary to replace the rubberized surfaces. The testing was carried out after a thorough inspection of the playground surfaces.

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